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  1. Thanks for the fast replies guys, sorry I'll make my way through the pinned threads now, I don't have a PC at the moment so I'm navigating the forum on my android ? Thanks again guys
  2. Hi guys, Currently in the market for my first FG Xr6t or G6ET, just wanting to know what you guys recommend for the stages of modifications from stock, what order you recommend getting things done and also when to get tuned, also wanting to know the best tuners in Melbourne's north. My goal is to have my fg as a relaible daily but hoping to break into the 300 club eventually without affecting reliability. Cheers guys.
  3. Hi guys, Will be getting my next car early next year and it's most likely going to be xr6t or g6et, now I've fallen in love with the g6et and am leaning down that path currently (ever since I saw a silver g6et with gold simmons and xr8 bonnet - simple but elegant) Looking for more information on the limitations of having the single as compared to an xr6t with an lsd.
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