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About Fergos

  • Birthday 06/05/1990

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  1. Happy Birthday Fergos!

  2. Nice one bizkets typing ain't hard. U should no
  3. Tom t I didn't said I don't he contant was bad I said 90% of it was good and 10% that's not its not my fault a few had to disagree and then procceed to take it further it not my problem the wot pissed u off today was wot pissed me off. And gonna was nice enough to give it to me but when no courier will deliver it to me and I have to wait for a trucky who travells the east coast sorry I'm not on here every day sayin he's not hear yet and yes panda I no some office work can be mentally draining but I'm saying that the work I do is hard aswell I'm not the on comparing cock when every one else has to say how hard they have it that's fine every one has it bad. But if your all going to make a federal case out of it don't think I'm not goin to lay down so tom t u might won't red again and see who is comparing Dick cause I'm not when others seem to compare to my work hours
  4. Ya right well I work in a masonry factory and I'm not on sh*ty labourers wages iv seen hulk look alike come through and leave in a day cause its to hard for them iv being in the construction scene and that's piss easy compared to were I am now. So I still stand by wot I say sitting in front of a computer isn't really intensive
  5. Plz so u work nearly 24 hours a day doing wot sitting down in front of a computer not wot I call labour intensive
  6. I couldn't give two farks bout grammer if spell check wants to screw words up so be it not my problem . And like I said iv being working 50 plus hours a week lately sorry if the first thing I do when I get home is check this forum. I have better convos with my 3 yr old son then the 10% on here. And he doesn't repeat himself as much either.
  7. Really gonna so waiting for a trucky to come in to work to ask if I can get him to pick it up then be told its being sold before I could get it picked up as . So id say yes u are in the 10% for not being able to wait two weeks
  8. Haha your calling yourself wankers classic and k31th well a where the off topic thread is for off topic topics that's why I posted in here and not in other threads because this is wot pi$%ed u off today in the off topic thread.
  9. Seeing on most post on hear the unless info from supposidly ppl who no and end up with no idea ppl who are tunes on here with no idea or and lol who say just take it to a tune when like me work 50 plus hours a week theb would have to travell hours to see one to be told its your coils gone or wastegate by the turner don't get me wrong 90% of info on here is good its the 10% of ppl who are wankers
  10. After trying to find it out on here ( no info) other sauce say same box
  11. Hi all had my xrt in for an all round service today I went and picked it up and he was just putting gearbox casing on when I asked to have a look under car whil still on hoist I had a look and saw that my gearbox had 2005 on it when its a 2004 just wondering if there's any difference in them or are they same hole number on it was.2005 88856 cheers
  12. Is there a puddle of water near your left foot? And your leaking coolant and having to top up reservoir. Don't know if it would in the g6 with the puddle but your heater core might be gone best way to check is to take heater hoses off and block them off if stops leaking it heater core mine went so I blocked it off till I get time off work to book it in its a 2004 turbo they are pretty common to go in my model so now I run with no heater sux in the morning but better then having to top up every 3rd day.
  13. Ya fair enough I only run stock boost with aftermarkrt Cai did u notice much difference when u out yours on? I don't have a boisterous gauge so I couldn't tell if it boosted faster do u have a gauge? Did u notice any difference?
  14. Sweet as glad I could help I no it would be a hassle but now I would go and buy some descent plugs for it I found the Cheeper ones are good but I would recommend getting the expensive ones they will last longer and get a better spark I think theywerecalled (iridium plugs) don't quote me one it : / but they have 4 little prongs on the end not the cheep ones that have 1 the ones you have will still do the job fine. I just like getting the best for my car but in saying that I always seem to be spending more to.
  15. Your coils are on way out same thing happind to my car changed the plugs it went good for about 3 days then back to surging again so I bought some coils and has not done it since I also got another set of plugs and gaped them to .9 with feller gauges do this to help spark as if there apart any further the coils can burn out I was told so I did it and no problems since easy job to do yourself I would recamend trying this first also at same time do the boost solanoid trick witch is to spray wd40 down the line to the turbo with least 1/4 of a can this helps clean actuator valve and spring might be sticky that's if your willing to give it a go yourself and save a bit of coin rather then have to leave car at shop for a day or two both are easy jobs and can be done in about 3 hours tops if your not rushing . Hope this helps
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